viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2019

More reports spoken in English - Why not?

One of the things I consider as a part of the contents production, especially the journalistic coverage, is that the audience would like to receive them in its language. It’s true the translator, whether text or voice, can break such barrier, but if the producer or the speaker can do it, why not trying to produce or adapt those contains in your language?

At least, when we analyze the performance of the webs and blogs we are involved into, we detect that English-speaker audience interacts better than the Spanish-speaker one, even when our mother language is not the English and our production headquarter is located in Latin America, where Spanish or Portuguese –Romance languages- are mostly spoken beside the native ones.

We assumed that as an opportunity, so we have a bilingual contents offer – a good competitive advantage.

Now, I’m encouraging my producers as well as myself to produce more English-spoken content, not only text, that could be something easy. Speaking implies to display more communicative skills, use more resources, open to a wider market. Then, our commitment is try to include more audio and video in your language, reaching to make it on-live at any time, in order to you can interact with us simultaneously. Meanwhile, I leave you this little clip Marco Flores aand I recorded last September 18th, in West Sullana City, Peru.

I hope to know what you think here on the comments box or on my Twitter account. You can also get me on my Facebook account to chat live.

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