domingo, 28 de julio de 2019

“Risky Teenage Love” – Five years later

There are two principles I was proving in those years because of my work: everybody is summoned to make science, and your professional title does not limit to the scientific field you want to explore. After this, I can say that in the difficult and almost misunderstood scientific divulgation market, I’ve got achievements I’m proud about. Across Piura Region, the journalists who specialize in that are a little handful, and I’m the youngest among them, I guess.

The scientific divulgation, in my opinion, is important because it allows to enable the curiosity of the audience about something they knew a few or ignored at all. And the curiosity you break out comes from your own curiosity, that is also based on the curiosity of some proffessionist, specialist in a science topic, who asked a question that seemed unnecessary one blessed day, went into it, and realized at least that he was found a key for a door that was not open even by using dynamite, or that we were sat down on pure dynamite, and we were not aware, neither. And that was the case of Risky Teenage Love (Somewhere Piura Andes), published on El Regional de Piura, in his original Spanish version, on July 30th, 2014.

The story’s idea came from the curiosity of Obstetrician Marco Paulini Espinoza when he asked how much the teenagers of the fifth grade Bellavista de Cachiaco high-school, Pacaipampa District (Ayabaca Province), knew about a condom in terms of contraceptive method. And upon that knowledge basis, what attitude they had about its using.

Paulini took the issue because he was doing his Rural and Uptown Health Service (Serums, as its acronyme in Spanish) between ending-2013 and beginning 2014, just in that village. The story of how he landed there is epic, and the better is he tell you live by himself someday.

You will say – why to get focused the study in teenagers just months before leaving the basic regular education?Simple, folks. One of the strongest problems we have across Piura, and about what we can’t chant victory yet, is the teenage pregnancy, what means to have pregnants between 13 (11 in some countries) and 19 years old. And some stories we gathered at Piura Andes revealed us there are pregnants under 13 years old.

It’s supposed the teenage is  when many
women and many menare thinking what to do abouth their life so they mature. Then, whatever the reason, a boy or a girl comes on, and much of these plans postergate or abort, what, in many cases, stresses the poverty conditions. And Pacaipampa is one of Piuras districts with highest poverty levels. Add to this, Piura is one of Peru’s regions that has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates, 14% to 16% in the last five years, above the Peruvian rate around 13%.

Plus, if you invite Marco anytime to hold an educational session, a conference, or you include him in a debate, that he tells you about the levels of existent gender-based violence, which is very engaged to machismo and the precarious life quality there is in many parts of Andean Peru.

As I ever say, the value of that investigation was nobody requested it to him. He was proactive about making it, and he proposed it as a thesis project (despite he had sustained and approved his own undergrade thesis months before) and, in fact, the original work  from the four-and-a-half-page story was almost 100 A4-size pages, which we excerpted the part of results, conclusions, and we added an introduction to give it a journalistic value, so we sent for releasing.

Of course, that is the brief story. The manner how it born is almost funny. It was around nine at night on July 15th, 2014, when Marco talked me quite sad because he was trying to engage in a job after his Serums in Pacaipampa, unsuccessfully.
In my effort to comfort him, because that was the reason, I proposed him to work on some topic of his area that could awake the public interest. Then, we had one and a half months meeting each other, and one of the recurrent themes was his life in Pacaipampa. I presume, because of his reaction, that my proposal sounded him like fried egg over ice cream, but he didn’t say no, what was a good signal.

The next he did was to recuperate his whole papers he had brought from the Andes and he put to process them into one of these softwares specialized in statistical work, then he began to write the full document adding almost one hundred pages. We can say he was all the possible time to do it then, and it was usefully advantaged free time too.

Let’s make elipsis and skip to 2014 Peruvian Anniversary. While everybody was rested or got drunk meaning to celebrate Peru, Marco and I spent a whole day –lunch included- working the story, and messaging the poor El Regional de Piura’s publisher Andrés Vera that, please, wait for us because it was to arrive any way before the closure time, after I spent three days pitching the idea to him. If I don’t remind bad, we became to send it with photos attached, then or twelve minutes to five in the afternoon, one of the deadlines, and very despite our web producers, who wanted already to go home for resting. Did I mention it was July 28th?

One day later, 29th, we changed the original title maybe twice until it stood in its actual writing country song-style. Well, the story was produced at a rural environment, so the literary license was appropriate.  Then, I figured out the rural philosophy was making a short circuit wwith all the policies of pregnancy prevention or sexual initiation postergation, and, in my opinion, the answers the teenagers gave were romantically absurd, like I could make it with my boy friend not using a protection as a love proof. So, forgive me, but there is nointerculturality you allege about: or you apply rationality to your life project, or you waste your life by opening or closing the eyes, not that you’re thinking of because it could sound quite ugly.

Yes, of course. I was also a teenager, and I also belief I could bring down all the starss to the being who you love to. But as you grow up, and you understand that the metaphoric sounds nice but scientifically improbable, and it also generates a vulnerable scenario for a part of the population, there’s no worthy romanticism. Or you act with maturity, or you are part of the problem.

Thus, as Marco says, if you are not to protect, at least see how you are going to prevent, and the condom has proven it can be until 97% success for avoiding pregnancies and 95%success for prevention of sexually transmited diseases, including HIV/AIDS. And in a region like Piura, that is 150 thousand people up to reach two million habitants, according to the last Census, the decisions that teenagers and young take regarding to their sexuality are, indeed, a public health issue, especially when you have 5th-grade high-school kids having a 7% knowledge and 5% positive attitude before the using of condom. And the other 95%, what?, I mean.

And if we carry that to public policies management, that have actually accostummed the poorest people to government or corporate dependence, then you understand the transcendence of investigation works wit those characteristics. Look – I don’t say this is the only one of its kind, what I say is this is one of the few when the author trusted in a journalist and decided to make it public.

That is the value of Marco Paulini’s study, and that is the value that almost nobody , except the colleagues of Radio Cutivalú (add to El Regional de Piura’s crew, I mean), could see once published, and, forgive me, even the efforts of the Regional Government of Piura for decreasing the rates in some districts, where they inclusive have put specialized offices in teenagers assistance, had the expected result despite the work, neiter.

I don’t insinuate it’s lost time and money. What I say is that no matter the effort our authorities do, the problem is the cultural environments where teenagers and young grow up, and where an anti-Semitic-style campaign, because it is so, anti-Semitic, Hitlerian, says there’s no right to act. Maybe no acting, but actually displaying enough scientific information for teenagers and young to take their own decisions, because if you don’t teach them to be responsible since kids, and realizing Maluma and company, and the Peruvian union of cumbia as well, are fucking brainwashers, tthey won’t be responsible along their personal, family, professional, and social life. Already, if with all the information, they insist to disgrace their lives, it’s their business, but the government already played its part, no matter if it seems pretty cruel.

Paulini himself repeated the task in 2016, this time with family planning service users in Huasimal de la Solana, Lancones District (Sullana Province), now about the attitude regarding the emergency oral contraceptive, that recently was supported by the Peruvian justice for being distributed in the health public system for free, and he found again that cultural and religious believes of the population, many of them based again upon the machismo, ended to put in risk the life of women and kept many violence cases ending in unwanted pregnancies, and the obsessive attitude of mothers who confessed they would control the sexuality of their kidsas much as forbidding the use of contraceptive methods.

And what deserved Marco Paulini in exchange for its effort? Nothing, no thanks neiter. Even with the published story and blasting in hits (all Marco’s stories ended 2014 with more than 20  thousand hits on El Regional de Piura), the Health director entity, at least in regional level, felt like a mosquito flew, slapping included. Maybe the administration of Jorge Camino, instead, recognized him on behalf of Sullana Province Municipality, and La Matanza District Municipality invited him to hold an educational session in its townhall and a local high-school (then the mayor was Nelson Mío, now Morropón Province’s Mayor), but Pacaipampa District’s and less the Ayabaca Province’s reported not to be aware about.

OK, they maybe had not to be aware, but if you’re an authority concerned to solve problems in your community, at least you had to phone him: “Obstetrician Paulini, and what action plan do you suggest?” And that feature had –well, has- actually an action plan: to insist in educating for prevention, and making closer the sexual and reproductive health services to teenagers. Eventually, the Peruvian government has implemented the second one. The first one, I insist, with this fake veil of the moral has sserved to disguising doctrinal-religious argues, instead of widely technical-scientific debates. Because in those cases, you forgive me, the science will save us. There’s no other way.

And Marco Paulini proved it when he was assigned by the Luciano Castillo Colonna Health Under-Regional Bureau  to the posts network at Sapillica District, reaching with that crew and the prominent district’s institutions the feat, because it is so, to reduce the annual amount of maternal deaths (it was three) to zero (yes, zero) by ending 2016, record that held, until I checked out in our archive, during 2017. By the way, the machismo –the negative cultural patterns, again- is one of the causes for maternal mortality, at least in that territory.

That’s why is too important the professional contribution he did to the international campaign One Billion Rising from Sullana, for fighting against the gender-based violence, understanding that the effort can’t last one only day but everyday, every minute, or his virtual participation to the 2014 Annual Conference of Businesspersons, held in Paracas, Ica, where El Regional de Piura had a pretty lot to do.

And that’s what I celebrate five years later. That the solutions journalism, like it’s called now that type of the contents production, had generated, first, curiosity in the audience, second, the need to see if it’s about a general pattern or an isolated fact (we realized it’s the option number one),  and third, these plans have to be pitched into the existent social forums for these facts to reverse or prevent.

And in the scientific divulgation journalism, the investigative journalism, or the solutions journalism, or just journalism, if you don’t ally to someone who never went into a newsroom to explore these action plans, you’ll hardly see that a reality changes.

And in this point, I want to remember the divulgation work that Marco does on his own blog that has given us the satisfaction of getting positive interactions in English-speaker audience, at very complicated markets as the United States, England, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and even Jordan and Afghanistan. And they are organic twitterers, just in case.

Although nobody else cares about it, I’m proud for making that little milestone, and making that the contens we have produced help you to take better decisions. And of course, I’m proud of Piura’s talent that continues to row ahead and above, that follows to evolve. I continue to generate contents that way, Marco follows working wit me when he can and is free from his Human Medicine studies at Piura’s César Vallejo University, pretty scored by the way. I’m excited to believe there will be an upcoming challenge, and we’ll take it for sure!

viernes, 12 de julio de 2019

¿Una marca comunidad? Nunca olvides ésto

Pareciera que estamos viviendo una revolución acerca de las marcas en los últimos años. Pareciera. Si uno se pone a leer un poco, verá que desde que la humanidad organizó el comercio en la Edad Antigua, ya se hablaba de marcas, muchas de ellas relacionadas con lugares. Y bastaba que el comerciante mencionara el sitio, fuera verdad o no, para que el cliente automáticamente evaluara su opción para adquirirla en términos de calidad. Y fue una tendencia mundial.

Lo que pasa es que, conforme nos sumergimos en la sociedad de la información en tiempo real, las marcas se han vuelto más competitivas que antes. Se han incrementado en número, algunas han incrementado su calidad; pero la forma de elegir una marca no ha variado en casi diez mil años de historia.

Entonces, ¿por qué ha cobrado tanta importancia en las últimas décadas? Simplemente, porque si no logras posicionar tu marca, no existes; y si no existes, no vendes, entendiéndose esto como el proceso de proporcionar un bien o un servicio recibiendo un valor a cambio, que no necesariamente se reduce a dinero.


Pero, ¿qué es una marca?

Es todo elemento que se puede ver, escuchar o representar una y otra vez de la misma forma, y que es propio de nosotros y nosotras, de nadie más. Y ése es su requisito fundamental. Puede que otros lo imiten o lo superen, pero eso que somos y que no es nadie más, es, precisamente, nuestra marca. De hecho, cada quien es una marca, y por lo mismo cada quien tiene su propia marca.

Aunque los componentes de una marca varían según el autor que consultes, creo que podemos concentrar nuestra atención en tres que me parecen fundamentales.

  1. Nombre: Es la palabra o palabras que nos diferencian de otro u otra, y que es nuestro.  Ppuede estar escrito, hablado o sonorizado, o de ambas maneras; pero es nuestro y permite diferenciarnos de otros y otras de nuestra especie o de cualquier otra especie. Al margen de que sea un nombre conocido, un nombre que tomé de otro idioma, el nombre de un lugar o una persona, o hasta un nombre que me inventé, mi marca primero se hace conocida por un nombre.
  2. Símbolo: Es la  representación artística que me es propia y de nadie o nada más. Al igual que el nombre, el símbolo puede ser gráfico o sonoro.
  3. Identidad: Es todo el conjunto de características que son nuestras y de nadie o nada más, y que nos diferencia de alguien o algo de manera inmediata.  Dicho en cinco palabras: es lo que nos describe. Por lo mismo nuestra identidad es única. No es de nadie más.

Solo un apunte adicional sobre la identidad de una marca. Si alguien quiere ser como soy, me está imitando. Y si yo quiero ser como alguien más, estoy imitando.
La imitación no es una forma de identidad. En todo caso, es la ausencia de identidad; es decir, alienación.

Pero, se supone que estamos construyendo una marca comunidad. Ya revisamos lo que es una marca; pero, ¿y la comunidad?

Es toda agrupación humana que se siente conectada por orígenes, historia, espacio y objetivos comunes. Vamos desglosando ese concepto:
  • Primero, es una agrupación humana.  No es un conjunto de una sola persona.
  • Segundo, se siente conectada. Es decir, se siente unida, ligada, integrada, incluída.  No es que les conectemos y ya; es gente que siente que esa conexión va más allá de tiempo y distancia, al punto que, aunque estén muy lejos, siempre sentirán que están aquí.

Entonces, pensemos en una comunidad como el conjunto de personas en el que siempre quiero estar porque me siento bien, y el resto hace que me sienta bien. Por lo tanto, nos sentimos como si fuésemos uno solo o una sola. Como si fuésemos una unidad. Como una unidad. Comunidad.

Una vez que logremos ese sentimiento casi mágico, el resto viene solo, en especial el tema de los objetivos comunes. Y uno de ésos puede ser la construcción de su propia marca comunidad.  Si ese sentido de comunidad no existe, entonces tampoco la marca comunidad. Claro que igual se podría gestionar como una marca, pero no representaría a nadie más que a la persona que la gestiona.  Por eso es importante que todos y todas nos sintamos incluídos e incluídas.

¿Por qué es importante la inclusión?:
La inclusión es la acción de integrar, y esa integración surge principalmente de saber identificar aspectos comunes en cada persona, antes que en los aspectos que nos diferencian. De hecho, incluir es generar unidad a pesar de las diferencias. Y para eso debemos partir de consensos mínimos.

Un consenso es un acuerdo unánime, un acuerdo de todos y todas sin excepción bajo el que haremos o dejaremos de hacer algo bien concreto. Otro aspecto: un consenso no es el acuerdo que impone una mayoría sobre una minoría, ni al revés. Para que hablemos de consenso, necesitamos que el 100% esté de acuerdo. Claro que también podríamos construir acuerdos sobre la opinión de la mayoría, pero no son consensos; son acuerdos mayoritarios. LO digo para que no se use el término en forma equivocada.

En la medida que exista un consenso en torno a lo que hace única a tu comunidad, todos sus integrantes sentirán que pueden aportar algo útil que construya en favor de la misma; si eso sucede, la comunidad progresa. Si a pesar del consenso tomado, la gente decide irse cada quien por su propia cuenta, entonces no funciona de manera comunitaria sino individual, o grupal en el mejor de los casos.

A partir de estos conceptos (marca, comunidad e inclusión) ya podemos comenzar el trabajo. Ahora bien, ¿a qué nos comprometemos por consenso? Ése es el siguiente paso a dar. Para profundizar, puedes escribirme a o a mi cuenta de Twitter, o dejarme tus comentarios aquí abajo.

jueves, 11 de julio de 2019

A community brand? Never forget this

It could seem we are living a revolution about the brands in the last years. It could seem.  If you start to read a little, you’ll see since the humankind organized the commerce in the Ancient Age, it already spoke about brands, many of them referred to places. And it was enough the salesperson mentioned the site, whether it was true or not, for the client authomatically evaluated the purchasing option in terms of quality. And it was a wworldwide trend.

What happens is as we go into the real-time information society, the brands became more competitive than ever before. They have increased in number, some have increased their quality, but the manner to choose a brand has not changed in almost ten thousand years of history.

Then, why has it reached so much importance in the last decades? Simply, because if you don’t get to place your brand, you are not. And if you’re not, you don’t sell, understanding it as the process to provide a good or a service deserving a value in exchange, what doesn’t necessarily reduce to money.


So, what is a brand?
It’s every element  posible to see, to hear,  to perform once and once again in the same way, and what is our own , not nobody else’s. This is the fundamental requirement. It’s possible the others imitate it or overcome it, but what we are and it’s nobody else’s, it’s, precisely, our brand. So, each one is a brand. Then, each one has an own brand.

Although the components of a brand are different according to the author you consult, I think we can pay attention on three that are fundamental, in my opinion.
  1. Name: It’s the word or words how we differentiate from others, and what is own. It can be written, spoken or sounded, or it can be both ways, but it’s ours and it allows us to differentiate from others in our species or any other species. No matter it’s a known name, a name I took from other language, the name of a place or a person, or even a name I invented, my brand makes known by a name, first.
  2. Symbol: It’s, indeed, that artistic performance what is my own and nobody else’s or nothing else’s. Like the name, the symbol can be a graphic feature or a sounded performance.
  3. Identity: It’s the whole set of characteristics those are ours and nobody else’s or nothing else’s, and those differentiate us from someone else or something else in an inmediate way. Said in five words: it is what describes us. So, our identity is unique, not nobody else’s.

Just an additional note about the identity of a brand. If somebody wants to be how I am, is imitating me. And if I want to be like somebody else, I’m imitating.
The imitation is not a kind of identity. It’s the absence of identity, rather, what is called alienation.

But, it’s supposed we are building a community brand.  We already reviwed what a brand is, but what about the community?

The community
A community is all human group that feels linked by a common origin, history, space, and objectives. Let’s go unwinding that concept.
  • First, it’s a human group. It’s not an only-1-person set.
  • Second, it feels linked. I mean it feels united, connected, joined, included. It’s not about we link them and that’s it. They’re people who feel that link goes beyond time and distance, at the point that although they’re too far, they ever will feel they’re here.

Then, let’s think of a community as the set of people within I ever want to be because I feel good, and the rest makes I feel OK. So, we feel as we were only one, Like we were a common unity. Like a common unity. Community. Once we get that almost magic feeling, the rest comes alone, especially the common objectives issue. And one of those ones may be the building of its own community brand.

If there’s not that sense of a community, so there’s no community brand neither. Of course, it could be managed as a brand the same, but it wouldn’t represent anybody but the person who manages it. That’s why the important is everyone feels included.

Why is the inclusion important?
The inclusion is the action to integrate. And that integration breaks out mainly from knowing to identify common insights in every person, despite the insights differentiating us. In fact, to integrate is to generate unity despite the differences. And we have to start from basic consensus for that.

A consensus is a unanimous agreement, an agreement of everyone without exception under we’ll do or leave to do something very real. Another aspect – a consensus is not the agreement a majority imposes to a minority, or the opposite. For we to talk about a consensus, we need the 100% agrees. Sure, we also could build agreements upon the majority’s opinion, but they’re not consensus. They’re majority agreements. I say it for the term not to be used wrong.

As much as there’s a consensus about what makes your community unique, every member will feel to contribute something useful that builds in favor of it. If that happens, then the community progresses. If despite the reached consensus, the people decide to go by their own, then it doesn’t work in a communitarian way but individual or rather group.

From these concepts (Brand, community, inclusion), we already can begin to work. So, what do we commit to by consensus? That’s the next step to make. You can write me at, talk to me on my Twitter account, or leaving me a comment right velow.

viernes, 5 de julio de 2019

#EstoEsTambogrande Así se grabó el episodio 2

El viernes 28 de junio se lanzó el segundo episodio de la serie documental #EstoEsTambogrande que coprodujimos Freysi Bereche, Freddy Juárez y yo, de manera independiente, pero con un propósito bien concreto: explorar y promover los potenciales del turismo rural en el distrito de Tambogrande, Piura. Ésto significa desplazarnos hasta los sitios destacados para grabar cada episodio, y, aunque parezca divertido -de hecho lo es-, la parte tediosa sucede antes de prender la cámara: planificar cada episodio.

Primero, mira el producto terminado, y a partir de él, te iré contando el detrás-de-cámara:

Lo primero que demanda producir un programa como éste es la investigación de campo, que es el paso previo. Al menos en nuestra metodología de trabajo, no es que vamos al lugar y captamos lo primero que aparezca. Si vas a la aventura y tienes mucho tiempo y presupuesto, quizás pueda funcionar, o si es que sabes qué vas a grabar pero no sabes qué va a suceder, como me ha pasado cuando participé como equipo de producción de largometrajes documentales basados en hechos históricos, donde no puedes prever qué sucederá, puede que funcione. Pero, si estás yendo a grabar historias inactuales, como las de este episodio, tu investigación inicial te dará dos datos clave: qué grabar y cuánto tiempo te demorarás haciéndolo.

En nuestro caso, todo el episodio nos lo grabamos en un lapso de seis horas, incluyendo desplazamientos, sobre la investigación de campo que ya tenía Freddy Juárez, el productor ejecutivo del programa. Lo siguiente que hizo fue conversar conmigo sobre qué historia se tenía que contar, y ahí comenzó mi trabajo: establecer una pauta de grabación o 'escaleta', y a partir de ella, construir un guion, que es la planificación de qué vamos a ver y qué vamos a oír durante la reproducción o representación del producto.

Me encanta escribir guiones. De hecho, suelo practicar en mis ratos libres solo para estar en forma a la hora de plantear uno que sí va a salir al aire. Creo mucho en el poder de la gimnasia no solo a nivel físico sino mental, así que yo recomiendo usar tus ratos libres para entrenarte sobre cómo escribir un guion. Y escribirlo parte de una línea argumental (cuál es mi enfoque), una sinopsis (cuáles son la historia y el conflicto centrales) y un argumento (cómo puedes contarme la historia en la menor cantidad de espacio posible).

el resto es ir planteando escena por escena cómo se debe comportar todo el mundo: el escenario, la luz, el movimiento de la cámara, la coreografía del talento a cuadro, la sonoplastía, incluso las transiciones entre escenas. Salvo que exista un acuerdo demasiado rígido, algo que por consenso muchos autores no recomiendan, cuando construyas un guion trata de ser lo más flexible que te sea posible. Puede que tengas la película completa en tu cabeza, pero -como suele pasarnos- puede que en la realidad no exista todo lo que pensaste, entonces hay que adaptarse a las circunstancias. Ahora, insisto, si tienes todo el dinero y todo el tiempo del mundo para controlar hasta el mínimo detalle, adelante. Sigamos.

En este episodio inicialmente planteé nueve escenas, incluyendo un 'teaser' o 'gancho' inicial, una 'intro' y la historia propiamente dicha contada en los tres actos clásicos: un planteamiento, un enredo y un desenlace. Todo lo audiovisual se plantea así porque de esa forma capturas el interés de tu audiencia. No hay mucho secreto ahí.

Ahora bien, otra ventaja del guion es que te permite conservar un orden lógico. Una cosa viene detrás de la otra, y en muchos casos obedece a la vieja premisa del causa-efecto. Esta técnica es útil especialmente si tienes que escribir obras muy largas, donde perderse es muy sencillo. El orden del guion también permite que, cuando planifiques tu grabación, no lo hagas necesariamente de manera cronológica.

De hecho, si bien el primer episodio de #EstoEsTambogrande fue grabado en el mismo orden como fue editado, y aquí te lo recuerdo por si no lo hayas visto, el segundo episodio no siguió esa secuencia en campo. en efecto, la entrevista que aparece antes de la escena de despedida fue lo primero que grabamos al llegar a la locación (Miraflores Alto), y solo el desayuno, la secuencia con la señora que fabrica el queso y el señor que movía el guano sí siguieron el orden cronológico. Perdón, lo olvido casi, mucho antes que todas esas tomas, lo primero que se grabó fue la explicación de Gerardo Arellano, que en la edición aparece desde la mitad. Mis presentaciones a cámara sirviendo como elemento de transición las grabamos todas en el mismo lugar pero variando el tiro, y la escena de despedida sí fue realmente grabada al final de todo.

¿Cómo fue que se ordenó todo? Ahí entran las manos y la paciencia benditas de Freysi Bereche, quien, además de ser el videógrafo (y el autor de las fotografías que ves en esta entrada), fue el editor. Sentado con Freddy, se tomaron el trabajo de ubicar cada 'clip' de video, ponerlo en el programa de montaje, agregar música, títulos y efectos, homologar ('renderizar') los archivos y subirlo a YouTube, que es la plataforma que utilizamos para distribuir el producto al mundo. Bueno, y el resto lo haces tú que lo reproduces. Aquí está de nuevo el producto terminado.

Si quieres capacitarte sobre cómo hacer tus propias producciones, puedes dejarme tus inquietudes en los comentarios aquí abajo o a mi cuenta de Twitter. Si deseas una capacitación más intensiva, me puedes escribir a Mira más fotos fijas de este episodio y coméntalas aquí.