miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Five words to mark the after-quarantine

Just 20 years ago, when the Internet in Peru began to do the transition from the boom of internet-cafés to the slow growth of dial-up home connections, the online journalists were few. To be (then thin) in-cloud, and that  was almost a snob, unnecessary, arrogant act. Who went following you on the net if there were few connected people? Today, the print media are the rare ones.

I’m not saying the ink is over. I think it will have a long life, still, but modifying its display (3D?), and that’s the first keyword in the history of humankind – to modify. Since we invented the writing until we invented the first artificial intelligence algorithm, what changed is the way how we do itbut not the purpose we have – to stay in touch and to solve problems.

Perhaps, what has happened in most recent times is those modifications are happening too fast to understand (psychologist would say to mourn)and add them into our life, but let’s accostum – things are going to modify everytime faster, and that must not scare us because the shapes are going to change almost every minute, but what must not change or rather improve is our essence.
Starting from that premise and taking like an example what happened to journalism during the last two decades, let’s consider that an adaptation factor we have in mind is that we belief as normal or usual (especially before December 31st, 2019), has already left to be. Independently that the Covid-19 quarantine is going to  relax soon, new cultural patterns evolved violently, and they are going to go on among us not in remaining 2020 but long years. And the unadapted species come to extinguish.

Another challenge we are going to assume is how to pass from the overcontrol (or overprotection) and the uncontrol to the self-control. The extremes have been the relevant in humankind’s history, especially in the last 500 years, and they had its critical moment after The Illustration, 300 years ago. I don’t say they were unnecessary. In its historical moment, they served us to go through from hierarchies to equality, and as the coronavirus slammed us on the face with its own anti-discrimination policy, the extremes don’t serve us anymore in this historical moment.

Now, if you insist in looking for a historical reference that eases to understand the actual instant, I’d say it’s a mix of Humanism and Renaissance spiced by the technological advance in something we call now The Knowledge Society. So I consider to be making an arc with a moment in world’s history, 600 years length.

The new world order
We unite defeat the virus but not priviledging social classes. Look, it’s not communism, capitalist-socialism either. It’s something different but powerful than forecast by Smith or Marx & Engels as well. We thank their contribution to the discussion but their concepts are already discontinued to us.

So, the new world order builds based upon those criteria: adaptability, unity, flattered & circling dialogue, urgency sense, humanity, proactivity, creativity, and wisdom. The parties and potencies will not be already led by countries or doctrines but the self-control capability (not self-repression) the individual has, and how this one transcends to the community in a positive, free, and effective way.

The social isolation this new order imposes us doesn’t pretend we become selfishest than we used to be (despite to have 4500 buddies on Facebook), but it’s an opportunity to see ourselves, reconciliate with our real potential, and carry it out for bringing it to everybody in the most original way as possible.

So, if you ever felt you outstood as an astronomer, but they said you to crash down if you didn’t stand onto your feet, good news: the new order gives you a revenge chance. And as every inner world doesn’t look like anyone else, what we will have is an almost 8-billion-possibility offer, if we get to that number.

New paradyms
The age of how much you are, what it serves you for, is not longer. We are in the age of how much you know, how you use it to innovate. And that’s the second keyword of those time. Realise that our need to be healthy, then not to be ill, has made the big fortunes address not to buy luxury but looking for a cure, a treatment at least because the human, the animal, the vegetal are not the enemy. It’s something not matching in any of these categories. Actually, the animal and the vegetal are coming back to recover the space offtaken by the human.

Then, over all this new philosophy of our history, how is the humankind, its star, going to survive? In my latest op-ed, I helped to birth a new professional career, RPSR, that means an holistic vision for managing the risk scenarios in a proactive, mitigating way, and it will be just one of many evolutions (Pokémon style) we are going to attend to.

Other fields to be assessed come innovatively re-assessed, and here we are going to name them, warning they are not exclusive but cooperative in the context that represents the third keyword of this new age – symbiosis, that inmediatly will outbreak a fourth one – synchretism.
  • Technoprimary Production (TP)
  • Generation of Integral Knowledge (GIK)
  • Management of Synchrodiacrhonical Knowledge (MSK)
  • Development of Informatics for Daily Life (DIDL)
  • Customized Healthy Lifestyle Consultant (CHLSC)
  • Promotion and Development of Creativity (PDC)
  • Management of People, Resources, and Territories (MPRT)

And what will happen to the jobs as we know today?They won’t disappear. Someones will integrate to others, like others will follow as unique, but the common to all them is to have the authomation like its best ally. And who be the better, will have more market – competitiveness, the fifth word of this new time. So, nothing will turn back to before, but waht left to say is everything will be much better. It will depend on you, on me, on our talent and our attitude to make it happen.

Let’s go chatting on my Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn accounts, or my YouTube channel.

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Efecto #coronavirus o cómo evolucionará el conocimiento

Mi generación fue marcada por una serie de televisión durante su infancia: un joven hablaba fluídamente con su auto, y éste se conducía solo.

¿¿Muy futurista para tu gusto? Aquí mi pronóstico de cómo evolucionará la ciencia de todos los días:

Producción tecnoprimaria
La crisis puso de relevancia que la gente necesita comer y estar sana. Fin de la discusión. Por lo tanto, muchas inversiones van a orientarse a este sector; pero lo que un inversionista va a buscar es un agricultor con mentalidad empresarial, no de peón, con quien pueda hablar en términos de rendimiento y rentabilidad (el inversionista sabe de dinero, no de ciclos vegetativos) y cómo la tecnología puede verificar que tal inversión sea correcta en cada eslabón de la cadena productiva (que se hará mucho más corta) hasta llegar al usuario final.

Los intermediarios definitivamente van a desaparecer en este esquema, lo mismo que la vieja agricultura que mira al gobierno como cliente. Quienes no vean este modelo eficiente, perderán sus tierras por no advertir o respetar los contratos que van a firmar para concretar estas alianzas. ¿Quiénes triunfarán? Los agricultores que opten por el modelo yo siembro – yo cosecho – yo vendo.

Generación del conocimiento integral
Los y las docentes como les conocemos en la actualidad dejarán de hacer clases de 45 minutos con una pizarra y un libro de texto uniforme. Sobre lineamientos de la autoridad educativa pertinente, los y las docentes activarán su propia cadena de valor incorporando la investigación académica, cuyos hallazgos sean parte de sesiones mayormente transmitidas mediante las tecnologías de información y comunicación (con infinidad de recursos de consulta y evaluación en la nube), y donde el concepto de escuela ya no se encierre en una institución concreta sino en un mentor de conocimientos y actitudes (un coach, si quieren verlo de esa manera), quien agrupará a un número de discípulos y discípulas que será tan grande y tan diverso como didáctica, entretenida y fundamentada sea cada sesión.

Sí, es un retorno a las antiguas escuelas griegas pero con el aporte del entorno virtual. Será una metaeducación a la carta, en la que cada persona realmente aprenda lo que le fascina o apasiona. Y, bueno, si eres un papi o una mami que aún no supera la calificación del 0 al 20, malas noticias: lo sostenidamente cualitativo será el criterio de evaluación en vvez de lo temporalmente cuantittativo. Éste será un campo interesante para desarrollar.

Administración del conocimiento sincrodiacrónico 
Siempre me pregunté a dónde vamos a evolucionar los y las periodistas, y por largo tiempo creí que era junto a los  y las docentes. En realidad, sí, pero con quienes vamos a tener más parentesco profesional serán los historiadores, los sociólogos, antropólogos, y en fin con quienes documentamos y podemos explicar por qué las cosas pasan como pasan y por qué las personas reaccionan a ellas como suelen reaccionar.

Si algo nos ha demostrado la Historia es que la humanidad es predecible en su conducta, y eso la convierte en una ciencia base. Entonces, nuestra chamba será aprender a combinar el entendimiento de lo inmediato y simultáneo conectándolo en tiempo real con la interpretación que nos da la perspectiva de los eventos previos.

En tanto exista una relación causa-efecto, tendremos material de sobra para analizar y ponerlo a disposición de todo el mundo para que entienda por qué las cosas están surgiendo de esta u otra manera, y qué decisiones deben tomar para afrontarlas; y, bueno, a eso se incorpora cierta labor predocente que consistirá en decirle a las personas en general qué es un hecho, qué es una opinión y que es una mentira del tamaño de Júpiter.

Desarrollo de la informática para la vida diaria
No, no veo a la internet de las cosas en este escenario, sino mas bien un nivel de relación con los objetos y las personas que ya era mostrado en pantalla mediante esa icónica teleserie de hace tres décadas, “El auto fantástico”. Así que si creías que Michael Knight tenía esquizofrenia por hablar con su reloj de pulsera, y que era una alucinación psicodélica el hecho que KITT podía razonar sus decisiones, piénsalo otra vez.

La inteligencia artificial está aquí hace cuatro décadas, pero ha adquirido mayor impulso hace dos. Entonces, la informática ya no solo nos sorprenderá con vistosas interfaces para nuestras computadoras sino que nos permitirán ahorrar tiempo haciendo que las cosas sean realmente asistentes domésticos o de oficina, mientras la mente humana se concentra en elaborar todo el marco situacional para tomar decisiones, y esta innovación va a ser transversal a todo. ¿La buena noticia? Si se prepara como es debido, el ser humano seguirá diciéndole a la tecnología qué debe hacer, no al revés (como pasa ahora).

Consultoría personalizada de estilos de vida saludable
¿Personal médico y de enfermería en envidiable estado físico y entrenadores personales interpretando una TAC? Sí, será el futuro a mediano plazo. Ambos campos del conocimiento descubrirán que ambos buscan salvar vidas y además fomentar la vanidad humana (bien llevada, es positiva), así que van a darse la mano ahora más que nunca.

¿Quiénes facilitarán la fusión? Pues las carreras médicas pero que no pueden firmar como médico: psicólogos, fisioterapeutas, obstetras y demás relacionados. Las ciencias de la salud y las ciencias del deporte van a ser parte de una evolución interesante: las ciencias EVS (estilos de vida saludable). Sí, los médicos decretarán mi eutanasia involuntaria, pero un año después de entrenar en un gimnasio los convertirá en mis chocheras… y me darán la razón.

Promoción y desarrollo de la creatividad
No importa qué arte hagas, no importa cuál sea tu público objetivo, no importa si lo consideran cultural o contracultural (si es anticultural, no entra), no importa si se ve en directo o en virtual. En tanto exprese el alma y el sentimiento del ser humano en una forma novedosa, original y estética, se va a ubicar dentro de este grupo cuya utilidad también será transversal –bueno, todas son transversales—y que además hará una labor de complementación docente, puesto que no bastará con apreciar y listo sino con aprender a apreciar, pero descubrir cómo una cosa puede conectarse con la otra, no solo a nivel de formato sino incluso a nivel de nacionalidad o patrón cultural.

Las fusiones culturales de todo tipo, desde la música hasta la gastronomía, solo han sido el inicio; lo que viene será realmente integral, agradable y fascinante. Imposible aburrirse, especialmente si hablamos de campo audiovisual… o debo decir: audiovisual-interactivo. En efecto, la tecnología va a ser un gran catalizador de este proceso.

Gerencia de personas, recursos y territorios
Quienes se quejan de que su clase política parece ser más ignorante que nunca, déjenme decirles que la crisis del coronavirus les ha dado la razón. Sí es necesario profesionalizar la política, o mejor dicho la toma de decisiones. Y bajo la premisa de que toda persona tiene derecho a ser elegida (eso no va a desaparecer), lo que sí será ética y moralmente imprescindible es que conozca al detalle dónde está parada, qué tiene a disposición y con cuánta gente cuenta.

Y quien hará el trabajo de mentoría, coaching, docencia, o como quieran llamarla serán los abogados, especialmente los abogados que tienen nociones sólidas de ciencias políticas, pero tranquilos amigos y amigas del Derecho porque todos y todas tienen una oportunidad in-cre-í-ble en el nuevo orden mundial. Para comenzar, tendrán que enseñarles a los tomadores de decisiones cuál es el sentido de los criterios de esta nueva era y ccómo construir propuestas de gestión pública (ya no de gobierno) que sean convincentes para los socios comunitarios o ciudadanos (antiguamente conocidos como electores) para que opten por la más apropiada para el espacio en el que viven y trabajan.

Las leyes o normas tendrán que evolucionar para promover el cambio automático cuando se pruebe corrupción, incapacidad o actitudes totalitarias. De hecho, los periodos de gestión se reducirán a dos años cuando más con opción a reelegirse limitadamente. La separación de poderes continuará pero la participación de los socios comunitarios no tendrá que filtrarse por un legislador (solo se dedicará a diseñar leyes) ni esperar una convocatoria a elecciones: un click y su decisión pesará tanto o más que la de un ttomador de decisión. Adiós a la democracia representativa, bienvenida la democracia interactiva. Ah, conocimientos PRER en este punto serán necesarísimos.

Sigamos conversando mediante mis cuentas de Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn o mi canal de YouTube.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

The #Coronavirus Effect or where the knowledge is going to flow

My generation was marked by this famous TV-series: a young man interacts fluently to his car, and this one is capable to reason everydecision.

Too futuristic for your taste? Let’s see my forecast of how the knowledge is going to evolve after the quarantine.

Technoprimary Production
The crisis made relevant that the people need to eat and to be healthy. That’s it. So, many investments are going to address to this sector, but what an investor is going to look for is a business-minded farmer, not a pawn-minded one, whom can talk in terms of performance and profitability (the investor knows of money, not vegetal cycles) and how the technology can verify such investment to be right in every link of the production chain (that will become much shorter) until reaching the final user.

The dealers are definetly going to disappear in this scheme, as well as the old agriculture that sees the government as a client. The one who don’t see this efficient model are going to lose their lands because not warning, not respecting the contracts they are going to sign on for making real those alliances. Who will win? The farmers who choose the I plant – I harvest – I sell model.

Generation of Integral Knowledge
The teachers as we know today will leave to do 45-minute classes with an uniform blackboard and textbook. Based upon the pertinent educational authority’s guidelines, the teachers will active their own assessment chain incorporating the academic research which sighttings to be part of sessions mostly webcast on the communication and information technologies (and the infinite in-cloud consultation and evaluation resources), where the conception of school is not closed to a real institution yet but a knowledge-&-attitude mentor (a coach, if you want to see that way) who will join a group of pupils that will be such large and diverse as each session be understable, amusing, consistent.

Yes, it’s a revival of the old Greek academies but adding the support of the virtual environment. It will be an on-demand meta-education which each person really learns what fascinates, passionates, and, well, if you are a dad or a mom who doesn’t overcome the A-to-F scoring, bad news: the sustainabily qualitative will be the evaluation standard instead of the temporarily quantitative. This field will be interesting to develop.

Management of Synchrodiacrhonical Knowledge
I ever asked myself where the journalists are going to evolve to, and I thought for a long time was next to the teachers. In fact yes, but who we are going to have more professional relativeness will be the historians, the sociologists, the anthropologists, who we record and can explain with why the things happen as they happen and how the people react them as they use to react.

If something the History has proven us, is the humankind is predictable in its behavior, and that turns it into a key science. Then, our work will be learning to combine the understanding of the inmediate and simultaneous connecting it real-time to the interpretation that the perspective of previous facts gives us.

As much as there is a cause-effect relation, we will have abundant features to analyze and to make available for everybody to understand why the things are outbreaking this way, that way, and what decisions they have to take for facing them. And, well, that includes certain pre-teaching work that will consist in saying to the people in general what a fact is, what an opinion is, and what a Jupiter-size lie is.

Development of Informatics for Daily Life
No, I don’t see the Objects Internet in this scenario, but rather a relationship level with objects and persons that was already shown on the screen by an iconic TV-series three decades ago, Knight Rider. So if you belief that Michael Knight was schizophrenic because he talked to his watch and the fact that KITT could reason its decisions was a psychedelic hallucination, think of it again.

The artificial intelligence is here four decades ago, but it aacquired a major power two decades ago. Then, the informatics already will not only amaze us with living interfaces, but they will allow us to save time making the things to be domestic or office assistants for real, while the human mind focuses on making the whole situational frame to take decisions, and this innovation is going to be transversal to everything. The good news? If the human being prepares as optimal, will follow saying the technology what must do, not the opposite (like it happens today).

Customized Healthy Lifestyle Consultancy
Outstanding in-shape medical and nursing personnel, physical trainers unfolding a CAT? Yes, it will be the medium-term future. Both Knoledge fields will realize both look for saving lifes and promote the human vanity too (well managed, it’s positive), so they are going to shake hands now than ever before.

Who will ease the fusion? Well, the medical careers those can’t sign down as a medical doctor: psychologists, physical therapists, obstetricians, and more related. Health Sciences and Sports Sciences are going to be part of an interesting evolution – HLS (Healthy Lifestyle) Sciences. Yes, the medical doctors will order my forced euthanasia, but a year after working out at a gym, they will be my buddies and they will agree me.

Promotion and Development of Creativity
No matter the art you do, no matter your target, no matter if they consider it cultural or countercultural (it doesn’t enter if it’s anticultural), no matter if it is seen live or virtual. As much as it expresses the soul and the feeling of the human being in a new, original, and aesthetic way, it’s going to set into this group, which utility is going to be transversal too –well. Al are transversal—and those will also do a teaching complementation work, because it will not be enough to appreciate and that’s it, but learning to appreciate, and discovering how a thing can link to another else, not only in a format level but even in nationality or cultural pattern level.

The fusions of every type, from music to gastronomy, has been just the beginning – what comes up wil be really integral, nice, and fascinant. Impossible to bore, especially if we talk about the audiovisual field… or may I say interactive audiovisual? In fact, the technology is goin to be a big cathalist of this process.

Management of People, Resources, and Territories
Who claim their politicians seem to be more ignorant than ever before, let me say that the corona-virus crisis has given you the reason. Indeed, it’s necessary to professionalize the politics, or rather the making of decisions, and under the premise that every person has the right to be elected (that’s not going to disappear), what will be actually ethically and morally mandatory is to know in detail where is stood up, what is available, how many people counts.

And the lawyers will do the work of mentorship, coaching, teaching, whatever you want to call it, especially the lawyers with hard notions of political sciences. But get calm, counsellors, because everybody has an in-cre-di-ble opportunity  in the new world order. Beginning, you will teach the decisionmakers what is the sense of this new age’s criteria and how to build public management (not government anymore) proposals those be convincent for the community partners or citizens (formerly known as electors) to choose the most appropriate for the space where they live and work.

The laws or rules will have to evolve for promoting the authomatic change when corruption, experienceless, or totalitarian attitude are proven. In fact, the administration periods will reduce to two years at the most with the option to a limited re-election. The separation of powers will continue but the participation of the community partners will not be filtered by a representative or a senator (who will be only dedicated to make laws), wait for a election call either. A click and the decision willcount the same or bigger than a decisionmaker’s. Good-bye to representative democracy, welcome interactive democracy. Oh, RPSP experience will be very necessary in this point.

Let’s continue to talk about it on my Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn accounts, or my YouTube channel.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

RPRS – The next trendy professional career

Many people are pleasing wondered by the way Peru’s President Martín Vizcarra is managing the crisis caused by Covid-19, the new corona-virus’ strain, at the point that everything seems to be under control. Seems. Well, the fact is all the decisions and protocols are not Vizcarra’s creation, not Ministers Board’s, not the prospective team’s, not advisors’, not shamans’, not gurus’.

The Law 29664 was passed in 2012, that instructs how to manage and to prevent the risky scenarios nationwide. Also, it creates the National Center for Prevention, Estimation, and Reduction of Disasters Risk, Cenepred ias in Spanish, that depends on the Prime Minister’s Office, PCM as in Spanish, that also manages the National Institute of Civile Defense, Indeci as in Spanish. Those three organizations have contingence plans, stores full of relief, and money coming from different social programmes, that was saved for emergency cases.

It’s not about I’m undeserving Vizcarra. Unlike, we are lucky about Peru has already warned to design an action plan, and what the President is doing now is to follow it up. In simple words, that’s called forecast, the action to fast forward the facts, skill we are not made ours, judging our reckless attitude at the time to measure future risks, attitude that becomes bothering beggar when we realize to be amid them.

“Peru comes preparing for different types of disaster 8 years ago,” one of my followers underlined while explaining this fact. The issue, and here it comes the apparent sensation of disorder and annoyance, is that Cenepred activates even provided the regional or local governments request it. My source assured me that none of them has staten nor consulted how to perform it as the crisis has happened. And when I’m talking of performing, I’m not meaning to perform like a costumed soldier even, when I were a mayor )a civile authority).

That would explain why everybody has the impression that Vizcarra and his crew are the action heroes, while our nearbiest authorities are appearing as the most uncapable never chosen. Well, they do, don’t they? Talking on a posible reason for the regional and local governments have not claimed to Cenepred, my source said the answer is simple – they mostly ignore it. I confess I’m also dismissed this detail, but… I’m not an authority.

Each quake, a new institution
Just to make history, Cenepred was created after the fiasco meant by the Fund for the South Reconstruction, the controversial Forsur as in Spanish, founded after the Pisco’s Earthquake, August 15th, 2007, that left 550 casualties. And it seems somebody has to shake us the soil for we to shake our brain. If not, let’s get back a little more.

May 30th, 1970 – A terrible earthquake erased Yungay, Áncash, out of the map, left around 70,000 casualties according to the official toll. As a consequence, the military government  created Indeci (then, the National System of Civile Defense), and since that time, a doctrine was established – the top local officer, or state’s (regions today), or nation’s turns into the chief of every civile defense system, according to the geographic extension of the emergency. That was in 1972.

And as every rule has an exception, the South Vulcanological Observatory, OVS as in Spanish, depending on the Geophysical Institute of Peru, is a management example that would be worthy to study and reply. It has pages after pages with risk maps, action protocols in case of some volcano between Arequipa and Tacna decides to erupt. The most active ones are under 24/7 surveillance (that can be followed real- time on an open-access website), and it constantly moves local authorities through simulations and contingence plans that currently are used in the eruptive processes of Sabancaya and Ubinas Mounts.

In this point, I dreamed this week of an El Niño Warning Center located in Paita, Piura, like the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii Islands, or the Hurricane Warning Center in Florida, both in the U.S. The first entity is the reference for the Asia-Pacific Rim when a 7-magnitude or larger quake breaks and can cause troubles in our shores, while the second one is the mandatory information source every summer across the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Our warning center could be worldwide because El Niño impacts around the planet, and the reason why Paita is because two large water flows of our enormous ocean, warm and cold, meet very near there. I hope that comes true. Let’s continue.

Then, if our frame-protocol gathers almost half a century old and the most specific one is going to be a decade old, why do the mayors and regional governors suffer from nervous collapse and subsequent rigor morbidus every time they have to manage a disaster to prevent or to mitigate? Short answer: a lot of ego, a few neurone.

More than guessing, it’s about forecasting
And that is the ethernal Peruvian error – a mostly reactive instead of proactive system because it doesn’t know to read the past at the point it becomes to convince it will never happen anymore, but it also doesn’t know to fast forward the future and the multiple choices it represents, even the weirdest. Look at the crisis created by the Covid-19 pandemic: we have usually live next to in-progress diseases, but any strucked us fully as a country, discounting to hold us inside our homes for a month and a half.

But as every crisis means and opportunity, this is the time a career I don’t know if exists, and if not we can create it here, should raise bonds – Response Planning for Risk Scenarios, or RPRS, what its name says, it’s in charge of think pretty detailed how we mitigate, avoid, and manage every bad it could happen because of measurable or unmeasureable contending situations .

The RPRS Officer has to be a person with a pretty wide vision but also a teaching ability to explain easily everybody, especially the authorities, about what could happen if nobody acts and how to act for it happens the less or null damage as possible. It’s not the person who avoids a black cat or eludes to pass under stairs, but it’s capable to anticipate how the cat will react and has got available stairs just in case of going to rescue it.

But nota all remains in vision and teaching, it has to be a person whom gets not boring to research in the reality of territory to serve (yes, knowledge on geography, history, statistics, sociology, and psychology are just part of the profile) and write everything down in a compulsively sequential way. Definetly, if you never learned to make flow diagrams, you won’t work on this career.

And the better of RPRS comes here – it will not be only a key career in public management, which the authority’s decisions –theoretically—influence on the life of thousands or millions of people. It also will be required by the private sector, non-profit or commercial, to guarantee if any investment faces unseen potential peril as well as to evaluate if the development projects are actually going to develop something or they will be another money waste just for granting a job to a hand of people.

And still beyond, taking the New Peruvian’s paradigm launched by President Vizcarra, it has to be a person with much empathy and creativity to promote the solidarian spirit among pairs and dispairs. Yes, it has to be a leader with a wide recognizement among the community, but also to be anyone else amid all the persons.

If you see your profile fits this one I describe, go preparing because you’re going to be required in the short-term. If you’re reading me from an university, an institute, a school, or similar, go considering to launch this course, that mixes humanism and science, hard work and pedagogics, communicability and reflection capability.

As I said to a colleague, the future of many proffessions, the mine one included, is they are going to upgrade new setups what are not that we used to know, and that’s a signal of times. Everything changes, and this crisis is underlining it and marking light yellow to us every hour, every minute, every second, and it demands an answer from us. Not asking it would be committing suicide… or another genocide.

And talking about colleagues, I leave you my tutorial for covering news during natural disasters that you can adapt to this crisis for good. Meet me on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn for continuing to talk about.