lunes, 24 de octubre de 2022

Breast Cancer, Hackers, and Sullana Talents

be careful about the security of your social media. Also,  culture from Sullana impacts the world.


The Day to Fight against Breast Cancer was observed last October 19th. Specialists called the attention again about this is the type of cancer causing more mortality in women.

Numbers from world Health Organization state 12 women will suffer from breast cancer along their lives. Only speaking of Peru, the same source says 685 thousand women died because of that disease in 2020.

Breast cancer breaks out when breast cells suffer mutations or changes in their DNA.Let’s remember DNA is the molecule containing the whole programming of functions and features of our bodies.

We inherit DNA from our fathers and mothers… and their fathers and their mothers. In fact, the most prevalence of breast cancer has inherited origin. In other words, if there were cases of this disease among your relatives, it’s probable you can get it. However, this theory is not conclusive.

Hundreds of factors can propitiate this disease to appear. What the Medicine does guarantee us is if the breast cancer, as well as any type of cancer, is detected in early moments, the chance to heal is high.

Right now, the breast self-exam is the first way to detect if you have any little suspicious bulge. If so, go immediately to your oncologist for having more specialized tests.

And if you have to start any treatment, just do it.

Celebrities diagnosed with breast cancer, who survived the disease, are actress Shannon Doherty, Matthew Knowles, actress Julia Louis Dreyffuss, journalist Joan London, presenter Giuliana Ransic, or journalist Andrea Mitchell. Look for their life stories on the web, and learn how they encouraged to face the disease. Life was their main choice.

In the list, I also included men. Yes, not much as women, but men also can get breast cancer. Remember, early detection saves lives.

Meanwhile, we comfort Friends and families whose passed away because of this disease. Our prays are with everyone of you.


Chasing the hacker

Here in Sullana, journalist Midian Agurto, Sullana en la Noticia’s publisher and editor, denounced her Facebook fanpage was hacked. Sullana en la Noticia is a Sullana City  affiliate of TresAlHilo, our Spanish language newscast.

According to Agurto, she lost the managing  of her fanpage in October 17th afternoon.

On her show aired by Sullana based Millenium Radio, the journalist told she achieved to contact the hacker. Eventually after a negotiation process, the presumed cyber attacker promised to get back the fanpage control.It didn’t happen until our deadline.

Sullana en la Noticia is characterized by impartiality and criticism on Sullana reality. Some colleagues from other media have expressed solidarity with the journalist. Live Connection considers this is an attack against press freedom and speech freedom.

We also suggest every content creator to lock by using the own toolsprovided by social media for avoiding these attacks.

In Facebook case, have information and enable the Protector function. It allows you to protect the login to your account and the pages you manage throughout a password change. Additionally, it allows you to create a customized password you can enable by SMS or QR code for authenticating that account is yours.

For more tips, chat with me or leave your comments on this video.


An actor and an anthropologist

Actor Nerit Olaya is in Cuba. He’s not on vacation, but an artistic tour. After a time he spent here in Sullana, he took a flight to the island.

Olaya told me he is leading workshops and acting in plays. Last weekend, the actor was recognized with Palabras Vivas Award in Las Tunas. The last week, he was in Holguín. He runs a dramatized reading show.

Last Friday, he performed Como en las películas, Like The Movies. Last Saturday, he enacted Del amor y otros desvaríos, About Love & Other Ravings. The play includes a tale from the Chilean writer Isabel Allendé, who currently lives in Los Angeles, California.

For October 29th and 30th, Olaya will be stil in Holguin, Cuba. That will be the time of La Tregua, The Truce, based upon the novel by Uruguayan Mario Benedetti.

As much as I know, Olaya’s future plans are coming to live and work here, in Sullana.

In non-fiction, there is another interesting releasing. Sullana-native anthropologist Elim Aguirre

has been presenting her first book. It’s entitled el Regreso de los Tallanés, The Return of Tallanés.

It’s about the cultural legacy of a Pre-Hispanic people living and working here, in Chira Valley. The so-called Tallán nation broke out circa 6th century AD. Their golden age ran from 1100 to 1500 AD. It’s supposed they were conquered by the Spanish in 1532.

Miss Aguirré’s book includes the script of  a theater play reenacting the Spanish foundation of San Miguel in Tangarara, the first settlement the conquerors established at Chira Valley. The town persists today 12 miles away Sullana City, in Marcavelica District.

The book also has a QR code. Wen you scan it with your smartphphone,it displays the full performance on the stage, as well as interviewsd with archaeologists and other researchers.

El Regreso de los Tallanés is published by Editorial Universidad de Navarra, based in Pamplona, Spain.


Let’s continue with culture. If you are in Piura City on Saturday 29th, go to see Mil Novecientos. This is a rock band that will perform its own repertoire. The show will be at Makala. There is a promotion for my followers purchasing a ticket. For more information, text at +5 19 6 16 0 34 4 3.


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